
Scientific Errors in Vedas Part I


Written by Sulaiman Razvi

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Hindus have become very enthusiastic in finding science in their holy books after they learnt that other religious texts have scientific facts. They are reinterpreting it, they are not aware of the fact that the writers of the Vedas were ignorant of science, as a result the Vedas contain several scientific errors. Ishwar should have studied kindergarten books, I am sure Vedas would have been scientific if he did that.


Atharva Veda 6.77.1 “The heavens have stood, the earth has stood, all creatures have stood. The mountains have stood upon their
foundation, the horses in the stable I have caused to stand.” Tr. Maurice Bloomfield

Some apologists argue that that the word “Asthaat” means “steady” and not fixed or standing still, this doubt can be cleared from the following verse,

Atharva Veda 6.44.1 “The heavens have stood still, the earth has stood still, all creatures have stood still. The trees that sleep erect have stood still: may this disease of thine stand still!” Tr. Maurice Bloomfield

Above is Shripad Damodar Satvalekar’s Hindi translation and below is Kshemkarandas Trivedi’s translation,

Both the Hindi verses translated by Kshemkaran Das Trivedi and Shripad Damodar Satvalekar has translated the word Asthaat as “Tehri hai” which means standing still but some people tries to twist this verse in the following way.

Scholar has cleverly translated the word “Prithvyasthaad” [Prithvi+Asthaat] as “Earth is firm” but then translates the same word as standing still [Tehra hai] when it comes it Trees and Malady. Atharva Veda 6.44.1 is a prayer to stop malady, it says that just as Earth is standing still, trees are standing still, world is standing still, the same way make this malady stand still. Now if we go with apologists definition then it would be like “Let this malady of your stand firm” and that would be illogical, isn’t it? If it’s just about firmness then why does it talk about trees? doesn’t trees shake with a gust of wind? Trees stands in its place and doesn’t move and it being compared to earth proves that earth is motionless according to Vedas.

“Rig Veda 10.149.1 Savitar has fixed the earth with supports ; Savitar has fastened heaven in unsupported space…

Nirukta 10.32 Savitar caused the earth to be fastened with supports. In the supportless atmosphere Savitar has made the heaven firm…

Atharva Veda 13.1.6 …Rohita with his might hath established Earth and Heaven.


Rig Veda 10.89.4, Sam Veda Indra hath fixed [Stopped] the earth and heaven as with an axle…

Following is the Hindi translation by Pandit Ram Govind Trivedi

Yajur Veda 5.16 pastures, fair to do men service. Both these worlds, Vishnu, hast thou stayed
asunder, and firmly fixed the earth with pegs around it.

Yajur Veda 32.6 By whom the heavens are strong and earth stands firmly…

Above verse clearly uses the word “Drdh दृढ” which has several meaning like “Fixed, strong, firm” but mainly refers to something immovable which we shall further discuss in the article.

Rig Veda 3.30.4 …the heaven and earth
and the mountains stands immoveable

Above is Pandit Ram Govind Trivedi’s translation and following is Shri Ram Acharya’s translation

[This verse is translated into English from Hindi Bhasya.]

Rig Veda 10.173.4 4 Firm is the sky and firm the earth, and stedfast also are these hills. Stedfast is all this living world, and stedfast is this King of men.

An Indian scientist named Bhaskaracharya (1114-1185) wrote,

”As heat is an inherent property of the Sun and of Fire, as cold of the Moon, fluidity of water, and hardness of stones, and as the air is volatile, so the earth is naturally immovable. For oh! the properties existing on things are wonderful.”-Siddhanta Shiromani Goladhyaaya of Bhaskaracharya, Bhuvankosh, Shloka 5

Many verses clearly uses the word Drdh दृढ which means fixed but Hindus argue that it means firm, whether Drdh means fixed or firm can be better understood after reading Rig Veda 8.78.5; 10.173.4; Atharva Veda 6.88.1, 20.34.2, 19.32.9, 13.1.6-7 and Yajur Veda 1.17 which says the Earth is Fixed. The Atharva Veda 6.77.1 and 6.44.1 explicitly states that Earth is standing still (not moving). But still Hindus will argue that it doesn’t mean what it says. Then what was the logic behind Ishwar revealing so many verses on Earth’s ‘Stability’? It’s plain and clear, the earth is fixed according to the Vedas as proved from verses which says that Earth is standing still. Even if we accept their claim, then why does Vedas talk about Earth along with Heaven that the earth and heaven are firmly fixed? As per the Vedas both heaven and earth are immovable.


Rig Veda 1.59.2 The forehead of the sky, earth’s centre, Agni became the messenger of earth and heaven.




Rig Veda 1.115.5 In the sky’s lap the Sun this form assumeth that Varuna



Yajur Veda 33.38 In the sky’s lap the Sun this form assumeth that Varuna and Mitra may behold it…



Yajur Veda 15.64 On the sky’s back may Parameshthin set thee…




Atharva Veda 1.7.32 Be reverence paid to him, that highest…Brahma who made the sky to be his head.



Vedas also says the Sky has a Daughter

Rig Veda 1.48. 9 Shine on us with thy radiant light, O Usas, Daughter of the Sky,



Rig Veda 4.30.9 Thou, Indra, Mighty One, didst crush Usas, though Daughter of the Sky. When lifting up herself in pride.

The pagan Vedic religion consists of many deities, one of them is Usha who is considered to be daughter of the Sky.

Earth is supported by a Pillar

Rig Veda 8.41.10 In his successive functions, he emits his  bright rays (during day) or turns them dark (during the night). He measures out the eternal abode, and supports with the pillar of the firmament, both heaven and the earth.  May all our adversities vanish” Tr. SatyaPrakash Saraswati

Rig Veda 1.160.4 Among the skilful Gods most skilled is he, who made the two world-halves which bring prosperity to all;Who with great wisdom measured both the regions out, and stablished them with pillars that shall ne’er decay.

Bull is holding up the Earth

Atharva Veda 4.11.1 The Bull supports the wide-spread earth and heaven, the Bull supports the spacious air between them. The Bull supports the sky’s six spacious regions: the universal world hath he pervaded.

The Term Vrshab is literally translated as Bull, Shri Ram Sharma Acharya says the same thing in the header of Athara Veda Kanda 9, Sukta 4. But Hindus prefer to translate Vrshab as Sun. Let’s see some verses which makes unscientific claim about Vrshab,

Sun Rises from the sea

Rig Veda 7.55.7, Atharva Veda 4.5.1 The Bull [Vushab/Sun] who hath a thousand horns, who rises up from out the sea…

Atharva Veda 7.81.1 Forward and backward by their wondrous power move these two youths (Sun and Moon), disporting, round the ocean.

Another Hindi translation

These verses are supported by the Brahmana which states,

स वा एषोsअपः प्रविशय वरुणो भवति

Kausitaki Brahmana 18.9 Kausitaki Brahmana 18.9 Him who yonder gives heat they seek by these pressings to obtain; the rising by the morning pressing, (the sun) in the middle (of his course) by the midday pressing, (the sun) as he sets by the third pressing. He, having entered the waters, becomes Varuna.


Atharva Veda 4.14.3 From earth’s high ridge to middle air I mounted, and from mid-air ascended up to heaven

If one can mount up to space from the mountain, then the Heaven must be somewhere in stratosphere although it is supported by pillars, the Atharva Veda says that the distance between earth and heaven is only 1000 days,

Atharva Veda 10.8.18This gold-hued Haiisa’s wings, flying to heaven, spread o’er
a thousand days’ continued journey. Supporting all the Gods upon his bosom, he goes his way beholding every creature.


Atharva Veda 19.27.3-4 Three are the earths, they say, and three the heavens, three are the atmospheres. Three vaults of heaven, and three seas, three bright, three stationary ones


[Maurice] Atharva Veda 6.8.3 As the sun day by day goes about this heaven and earth… [Griffith] Atharva Veda 6.8.3 As in his rapid course the Sun encompasses the heaven and the earth…

The Sanskrit text is given below

यथा [Yatha] = As the, Like the.

सूर्य [Surya] = Sun .

एति [Yeti] = goes.

परि [Pari] = around.

घावा [Ghava] = Heaven.

पृथ्वी [Puthvi] = Earth.

[Griffith] Atharva Veda 6.12.1 As the Sun goes round the heaven, have travelled round the Serpents’ race… [Maurice] As the sun (goes around) the heavens I have surrounded the race of the serpents…

Below is the Sanskrit text

Rig Veda 1.35.9 ”The gold-handed, all-beholding luminary travels between the two regions of heaven and earth, dispels diseases, and this, verily, is known as the sun, and it finally overspreads the sky, extending from the dark interspace to the celestial region” Tr. SatyaPrakash Saraswati.

Maharshi Yaska writes,

Nirukta 7.23 The sun having first revolved towards the northern hemisphere, a person holds a polished (piece of) white copper, or crystal, focusing the sun-rays in a place where there is some dry cow-dung, without touching it… Now (had VaisVauara been the sun), there would have occurred expressions relating to VaisVanara in those same hymns and shares which are assigned to celestial deities, i.e. Savitr, [Surya], Pusan, Visnu, and [the VisVedevas.] And they would have praised him by (attributing to him) the functions of the sun, as thou risest, thou settest, thou revolvest, &c.

We know the Sun does not revolve, it rotates in its axis.

Rig Veda 8.7.8 They, who by their might open a radiant path for the sun to travel, they pervade (the world) with lustre.

Rig Veda 6.48.21 They whose high glory in a moment like the God, the Sun, goes round the space of


Atharva Veda 6.44.3 Thou art the urine of Rudra, the navel of amrita (ambrosia)…

मूत्र [Mutr] = Urine. Refer Panini’s Ashtadhyayi Vol III, Ch 2.56. V.S. Apte’s dictionary

[The Students English-Sanskrit Dictionary, By V.S. Apte, p.445]

Here Mutr (Urine) is regarded as Ras of Rudra, now let’s see what other verses speaks about Urine

[Maurice] 2.27.6. O Rudra, whose remedy is the urine… [Maurice] Atharva Veda 6.57.1-2 This, verily, is a remedy, this is the remedy of Rudra, with which one may charm away the arrow that has one shaft and a hundred points. With gâlâsha (urine) do ye wash (the tumour), with gâlâsha (Urine)do ye sprinkle it! The gâlâsha (urine) is a potent remedy: do thou (Rudra) with it show mercy to us, that we may live!


Rig Veda 1.50.8, 1.50.1 O, Bright sun, a chariot named harit with seven horses takes you to sky

अश्व [Ashva] = Horse

रथ [Rath] = Chariot

सूर्य [Surya] = Sun

सप्त [Sapt] = Seven

Rig Veda 10.49.7 I travel round about borne onward in my might by the fleet-footed dappled Horses of the Sun.

Rig Veda 4.45.6 …And the Sun harnessing his horses goeth forth: ye through your Godlike nature let his paths be known.

Rig Veda 1.174.5 Indra, bear Kutsa, him in whom thou joyest: the dark-red horses of the Wind are docile. Let the Sun roll his chariot wheel near us… Some Hindus argue that the seven horses mentioned here doesn’t literally mean horses but it represents the 7 rays of the sun. Those Hindus should thoroughly think about this verse, it states the 7 horses (rays according to you) TAKES the Sun, logically does the rays takes the Sun? The Sun emits rays, it does not go after the rays. So this explanation of 7 horses as 7 rays is illogical. Moreover even the scholars are not sure whether this means 7 rays or horses while few other regard 7 horses as 7 days. Veda says that Vushab (Sun or Bull) has thousand rays not seven rays. Other Hindu text affirms that the Seven Horses are actual Horses, below are the references,

Mahabharata book 13.158.20-22 …the sun possessed of a thousand rays… He it is that constitutes the wheel of the year, having three naves and seven horses to drag it…He is the sun, the dispeller of all darkness.

Bhagwad Purana (Srimad Bhagavatam) 5.21.12-19 Thus the chariot of the sun-god, which is trayimaya, or worshiped by the words om bhur bhuvah svah, travels through the four residences…My dear King, the carriage of the sun-god’s chariot is estimated to be 3,600,000 yojanas [28,800,000 miles] long and one-fourth as wide [900,000 yojanas, or 7,200,000 miles]. The chariot’s horses, which are named after Gayatri and other Vedic meters, are harnessed by Arunadeva to a yoke that is also 900,000 yojanas wide. This chariot continuously carries the sun-god. Although Arunadeva sits in front of the sun-god and is engaged in driving the chariot and controlling the horses, he looks backward toward the sun-god…My dear King, in his orbit through Bhu-mandala [Earth],
the sun-god traverses a distance of 95,100,000 yojanas [760,800,000 miles] at the speed of 2,000 yojanas and two krosas [16,004 miles] in a moment.

Devi Bhagwatam 8.15.40-45 …The seat of the Sun on his chariot measures 36 Lakh Yoyanas wide. The Yuga measures in length one fourth of the above dimensions, that of his seat. The Chariot is moved by seven horses, consisting of the seven Chhandas, Gâyatrî, etc., driven by Aruna. The horses carry the Sun for the happiness of all. Though the charioteer sits in front of the Sun, his face is turned towards the west. He does his work as a charioteer in that state…

Brahmanda Purana ”He is served by Gandharvas and groups of celestial damsels by means of sons and dances. The lord of the day (i.e. the sun) thus revolves and wanders by means of horses that gallop and that are as swift as birds. The chariot of Soma (the Moon) has three wheels. His horses have the lustre of Kunda (white jasmine) flowers. They are ten in number and they are yoked to the left as well as to the right. The moon traverses by means of this.” Tr. Board of Scholars, Edited by J.L. Shastri

From the above passages it doesn’t sound like the horses are rays but it signifies that the Sun LITERALLY travels on a chariot dragged by seven horses. They no where says that the sun’s chariot pulled by horses is an allegorical sentence, rather they say exactly what they Vedas states. If the 7 horses of the sun are the seven rays then what are the 10 horses of the moon? Does it mean the moon emits rays of its own? with additional 3 rays?

The Vedas also says the Sun hides

Rig Veda 3.49.5 Where as a Friend with friendly men, Navagvas, with heroes, on his knees he sought the, verily with ten Dasagvas Indra found the Sun lying hidden in the darkness.



Rig Veda 6.72.2 O lords of resplendence and bliss, you bestow light to the dawns; you upraise the sun with his splendour; you prop up the sky with the supporting pillar of the firmament; you spread out the earth, the mother of all. Tr. Satyaprakash Saraswati

Swami Satya Prakash Saraswati gives the meanings of the Sanskrit words in the footnotes, [Rig Veda Samhita, By Satya Prakash Saraswati and Satyakam Vidyalankar, Vol 7, page 2331, 1980 edition, Published by Veda Ptatishthana, New Delhi]

Griffith’s translation, Rig Veda 6.72.2 Ye, Indra-Soma, gave her light to Morning, and led the Sun on high with all his splendour. Ye stayed the heaven with a supporting pillar, and spread abroad apart, the Earth, the Mother. Tr. Ralph T.H. Griffith

Rig Veda 6.47.5 ”This very same exilir of devotional love finds the wavy sea of brilliant colours in fore-front of the dawns, whose dwelling is in firmament. This might exilir sustains the heavens up with a mighty pillar, the sender of rains, the leader of the winds.” Tr. SatyaPrakash Saraswati

Rig Veda 8.41.10 In his successive functions, he emits his  bright rays (during day) or turns them dark (during the night). He measures out the eternal abode, and supports with the pillar of the firmament, both heaven and the earth.  May all our adversities vanish” Tr. SatyaPrakash Saraswati

Rig Veda 10.111.5 The counterpart of heaven and earth is Indra: he knoweth all libations, slayeth Susna. The vast sky with the Sun hath he extended, and, best otpillars, stayed it with a pillar.

Rig Veda 9.74.2 A far-extended pillar that supports the sky…


Yajur Veda 14.5 Upon the back of Aditi I lay thee the sky’s supporter, pillar of the Quarters…

Yajur Veda 5.27, Yajur Veda 1.19 Prop heaven [with pillar], fill full the air, on earth stand firmly.


Rig Veda 7.104.11, Atharva Veda 8.4.11 May he be swept away, himself and children: may all the three earths press him down beneath them.

Only the Rishis who created these Mantras knows its meaning.


Rig Veda 1.25.7 He knows the path of birds that fly through heaven (space), and, Sovran of the sea, He knows the ships that are thereon.

Rig Veda 5.59.7 Like birds of air they flew with might in lengthened lines from heaven’s high ridges to the borders of the sky.


I am very eager to know which bird has the capability to fly over the atmospheres?


According to Vedic mythology a demon covers the Sun which causes solar eclipse.


Rig Veda 5.40.5-6 O Sūrya, when the Asura’s descendant Svarbhanu, pierced thee through and through with darkness, All creatures looked like one who is bewildered, who knoweth not the place where he is standing. What time thou smotest down Svarbhanu’s magic that spread itself beneath the sky, O Indra, By his fourth sacred prayer Atri disoovered Sūrya concealed in gloom that stayed his function.


Atharva Veda 18.4.89 Within the waters runs the Moon …





Same is repeated in Yajur Veda 33.90 and Rig Veda 1.105.1

चन्द्रमा [Chandrama] = Moon

अप् [Ap] = Water

अन्तरा [Antaraa] = On the way, Runs


Rig Veda 2.17.5 Fast he (Indra) upheld the earth that nourisheth all life, and stayed the heaven from
falling by his wondrous skill.


Arya Samaj (Hindu) scholar’s translation,

”…He controls the earth that nourishes us all, and with his skill, stays the heaven from falling”. Rig Veda 2.17.5, Tr. SatyaPrakash Saraswati, Vol 4, page 965

As per the Vedas the Heaven is above the Earth, that’s why this verse says Indra holds up the Heaven from falling on the earth.


Atharva Veda 11.3.33 … With Heaven and Earth as ears, with these I have eaten it…










Atharva Veda 11.3.11 This earth, is the cooking pot, and sun the lid of the Odana (rice) as it is cooking

पृथिवी [Puthvi] = Earth

कुम्भी [Kumbhi] = Cooking pot/Jar

अपिधान [Apidhaan] = Lid

How baby is feeded?

Rig Veda 1.65.2 The Gods approached the ways of holy Law; there was a gathering vast as heaven itself. The waters feed with praise the growing Babe, born nobly in the womb







Atharva Veda 5.23.5 Eastward the Sun is mounting, seen of all, destroying thing unseen, Crushing and killing [with our spells] all the worms invisible and visible.


Atharva Veda 2.32.1. The rising sun shall slay the worms (which lives on earth), the setting sun with his rays shall slay the worms that are within the cattle!




Atharva Veda 12.1.10 May Earth pour out her milk for us…

Atharva Veda 12.3.35 On the earth’s breast stand firmly as supporter..

Atharva Veda 14.2.70 With all the milk that is in Earth



Dairy farm owners are at risk now, because people just have to find the breast of the Earth to get milk for free of cost. Let’s see what Vedas has more to say about the shape of the Earth

Atharva Veda 13.1.16 He goes into the womb of earth





Rig Veda 8.42.2 O Earth and Heaven, within your lap preserve us






Yajur Veda 13.24 Prajâpati settle upon the back of Earth.




Atharva Veda 9.6.17 Spoon, ladle, fork, stirring-prong are the wooden Soma tubs; the earthen cooking-pots are the mortar-shaped Soma vessels; this earth is just the black-antelope’s skin.






Atharva Veda 9.7.2 King Soma is the brain, Sky is the upper jaw, Earth is the lower jaw.




Atharva Veda 11.3.2 Heaven and Earth are the ears, the Sun and Moon are the eyes…


Yajur Veda 11.76 While on earth’s navel Agni is enkindled



Atharva Veda 10.7.32 Be reverence paid to him, that highest Brahma, whose base is Earth, his belly Air, who made the sky to be his head.


How Rain Occurs

”The oblation full of cooked articles put into the fire, goes up to the sky. And returns there from full of rain.”- Yajur Veda 3.49, Tr. Devi Chand, p.43.

”We perform the yajna for Vasus, Rudras and Adityas…The desired oblation (Ahuti) reaches the space, comes in contact with air and the light of that sun. It thence brings down rain for us…”- Yajur Veda 2.16, Tr. Devi Chand, p.32-33.

It is mentioned in Brahmana,

Maitrayana Brahmaya 6.37 … ‘The oblation which is properly thrown on the fire, goes toward the sun; from the sun comes rain…” It is mentioned in Manu Smriti

Manu Smriti 3.76. An oblation duly thrown into the fire, reaches the sun; from the sun comes rain, from rain food, therefrom the living creatures (derive their subsistence).

Krishna says in Gita,
Gita 3.14-15 All living bodies subsist on food grains, which are produced from rains. Rains are produced by performance of yajña [sacrifice], and yajña is born of prescribed duties. Regulated activities are prescribed in the Vedas, and the Vedas are directly manifested from the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Consequently the all-pervading Transcendence is eternally situated in acts of sacrifice.

A Hindu scholar writes why the Sky looks blue and also how rain occurs,

”6. Is it not ether, then, that you see in the sky above, blue and dusty?

A.- No.

Q.- What is it then?

A. It is the fine particles of earth, water and Agni (in the atmosphere). The blue colour is  mainly due to the particles of water in the atmosphere that come down as rain, while the dusty appearance is due to the particles of dust which is carried up from the earth and floats about the air. It is these things that are seen and reflected in water in a mirror, and not ether.”- Satyarth Prakash, Swami Dayanand Saraswati, Ch 8, p.276, Tr. Chiranjiva Bhardwaja.


Suppose If you were to describe that the earth is flat, how would you explain it? You might say earth has ends, earth has four corners and it is four cornered. Every sane person will give this same answer. When you see the article on scientific errors in Bible on Hindu websites, they have no problem quoting a verse from the Bible which says earth has four corners, but have they ever wondered what their scripture says about it.

Rig Veda 7.83.3 The ends of the earth are beheld laid waste…

अंत [Anta]= End

Rig Veda 8.25.18 He who hath measured with his ray the boundaries [ends] of heaven and earth..

The word used in the above verse is Puthvi which means earth, some Hindus may try to escape the argument saying boundaries of Bhumi [land or earth] refers the actual boundaries of nations, but the above verse uses the term Puthvi which particularly refers to earth. The word boundary here is signifying the limits of Earth.

Atharva Veda 15.7.1 He, having become moving majesty, went to the ends of the earth…


Atharva Veda 20.88.1 Him who with might hath propped earth’s ends






Rig Veda 1.62.8 Still born afresh, young Dames, each in her manner, unlike in hue, the Pair in alternation around four sides of earth



”…who has pleasing  tongue of  flames, who sustains the ends of the  earth by his might, and who abides with sovereignity in the three regions of the universe”. Rig Veda 4.50.1, Tr. SatyaPrakash Saraswati, Vol 5, p.1535.

Vedas explicitly states Earth is Four Cornered

Rig Veda 10.58.3 Thy spirit, that went far away, away to the four cornered earth.

Word by Word Sansksrit translation,

यते [Yate] = Your

मन [Mann] = Spirit/Mind

जगाम [Jagaam] = Goes

दूरकम् [Durkam] = Far away

चतुर्भृष्टि [Chaturbhushti/Caturbhrsti] = Four Cornered

भूमि [Bhumi] = Earth

The word Chaturbhusti (also spelled Caturbhrsti) means Four cornered,

Monier-William’s Sanskrit dictionary also gives the same meaning

Moreover the Brahmanas affirms this verse,

Satapatha Brahman …Now this earth is four-cornered, for the quarters are her corners: hence the bricks are four-cornered; for all the bricks are after the manner of this earth.

Now, still some would argue that Rigved verse is not in literal sense and refers to earth as four cornered symbolically. If it really referred to earth as four cornered ”Symbolically” then the Brahmanas would not have likened the shape of the earth with a brick. This verse from the Brahmanas could have been rejected if it was contradictory to the Vedas but both the Vedas and Brahmana says the same thing that the Earth if Four Cornered. A globe cannot have corners, These verses proves that earth is flat as per the Vedas.

Rig Veda 10.62.3 Ye raised the Sun to heaven by everlasting Law, and spread broad earth, the Mother…





“…They are ever the discomfiters of darkness and at the breaking of dawn, scatter the investing glooms to the ends of the earth.”- Rig Veda 6.62.1, Tr. SatyaPrakash Sraswati, page 2183.

Rig Veda 5.47.2 On Four side about the earth and heaven go forth the spacious paths without a limit.

The Earth is stretched out

There is no problem if the Vedas says the earth is stretched out, but after reading about the four cornered earth verses, these verses could be understood in a different manner that the earth is stretched out on all the four corners.

Rig Veda 3.6.5 Great are the deeds of thee, the Great, O Agni: thou by thy power hast spread out earth and heaven.


Rig Veda 10.62.3 Ye raised the Sun to heaven by everlasting Law, and spread broad earth, the Mother



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