Rebuttal: Religion

A Jaw Breaking Response to P N Oak And His Lies!



By Imran Khan


Few years back when I was working on a article on “Significance of Hajj in Islam”, I came across many websites, blogs, forums claiming “Kaaba is a Hindu Temple” on the internet. I shrugged it off my shoulders as nothing of this sort ever appeared in Mainstream Media. But during some debates, discussions and people commenting on mainstream media started giving referances to the websites, which were claiming Kaaba to be a Hindu temple. Now these websites have overshadowed the search engines as they have posted this article by P N Oak on majority of Hindu websites, blogs and forums, without investigating the authenticity of the article.

Majority of them quote referance from this website Now I will be refuting this article using authentic referances and suffecient proofs, unlike most of the article in those Hindu websites, blogs & Forums who Insult, Abuse and slander other religions without any Proof or referance. I hope this work will remove the Ignorance from their minds and hatred from their hearts and will guide them to the TRUTH.


In the PAST it was Kashi/Mathura/Ayodhya Mosques.


At present it is Taj Mahel/ Kaaba.


In the Future it will be Statue of Liberty/ Pyramids of Egypt/ Effiel tower.


If we do not stop them now, we will never stop them from claiming the World!


I nearly chocked to death while laughing when I saw this article on the net. It affirmed my earlier conviction that Aryans are fit for nothing. I really felt it worthless to debate on topics dealing with fiction. But when the Myths & Fictions are portrayed as truth, I had to fight back, to educate these Aryans on differentiating between Fact & Fiction. But the Aryan thuggies like to remain illiterate and lead a life full of Fantasy.

Truthfulness of Aryans ???


Gautama V.24: Kruddha-hristha-bhitartalubdha-balashavira-mudha-mattonmmattavakyany anritany apatakani.

Visistha XVI.35; Mahabharata VIII. 3436

Vivahakale ratisamprayoge

Pranatyaye sarvadhanapahare

Viprasya karthe hy anritam vadata,

Pankanritany ahur apatakani.


“If a man speaks an untruth at the time of marriage, during alliance, when his life is in danger, or loss of his whole property (is threatened), and also for the sake of a Brahman, it has been declared that these untruths are not mortal sins”.


Gautama XXIII.29: “Some declare that an untruth spoken at the time of marriage, during alliance, in JEST, or while one suffers pain, is VENIAL!!


In the very beginning of the article “Kaaba a Hindu Temple?” there is a NOTE which states that:


[Note: A recent archeological find in Kuwait unearthed a gold-plated statue of the Hindu deity Ganesh. A Muslim resident of Kuwait requested historical research material that can help explain the connection between Hindu civilisation and Arabia.]

Now I would like to ask my breathern “Has anyone ever Herd about it in Mainstream Media or an archiological Journal in any part of the world?” The answer would be NO! NEVER! So how come a major archiological find like this ever go unnoticed, without any clue ? The answer would be that ‘Such a find never happened at all’!!!


What is the proof ?


Here it is:


I challenge my Hindu breathern to show me any piece of news/ article/ journal that speaks about the so called archeological find of Hindu diety Ganesh in Arabian penensula! If they cant, will you accept my claims if I state that “excavations near Kashi/ Mathura/ Varanasi have found a gold plate upon which name of Allah & Prophet Muhammad pbuh has been written” and as a result those places should be handed over to Muslims! If you consider your statements without any proof to be genuine, then you must also consider my statement to be genuine as it is also without any proof ar referance!


Then the article states the name of the author and his qualification!


“By P.N. Oak (Historian)”


Now has any one ever herd the name of any Historian named P.N.Oak ? The answer is NO! Neither have we ever herd the name nor have we come across any important Historical book authored by Mr P N OAK, so lets see who Mr Oak is and whether he is qualified to be a Historian or not!


Who is P N Oak ?

Purushottam Nagesh Oak (March 2, 1917 – December 4, 2007), commonly referred to as P. N. Oak, was an Indian writer and self-styled Professor, notable for his historical revisionism. Oak’s “Institute for Rewriting Indian History” issued a quarterly periodical called Itihas Patrika in the 1980s.

Is he a Historian ?

Dozens of blogs and websites refer to him as “Professor” P. N. Oak, but he never was a professor, nor was he a PhD. According to his own account, he did M.A. (Agra) and L.L.B (Mumbai), and was an official in the Ministry for Information, and wrote various journalistic pieces.

A brief review:

Oak has written several books and articles on Indian history and founded an “Institute for Rewriting Indian History” in 1964. According to Oak, modern secular and Marxist historians have fabricated “idealized versions” of India’s past and drained it of its “Vedic context and content”. Srinivas Aravamudan noted that Oak’s work typically resorts to “deep punning”associating Sanskrit sound-alikes with non-Sanskrit religious terms (such as Vatican=vatika “hermitage”,

Islam=ishalayam “temple of God” and similar). Based on this, Oak claims that both Islam and Christianity originated as distortions of “Vedic” beliefs. He thus alleges that the Kaaba in Mecca was originally a shrine to Shiva and that the Papacy was “a Vedic priesthood” until Constantine the Great killed the “Vedic Pope” and replaced him with the head of the hitherto unimportant Christian sect.

Oak finds some mention in passing as an eccentric in academic literature on the Hindutva wing of Hindu nationalism. Aravamudan (2005) calls him a “mythistorian” whose life’s work may be summarized by the title of his work World Vedic Heritage: A History of Histories, Presenting a Unique Unified Field Theory of History that from the Beginning of Time the World Practised Vedic and Spoke Sanskrit. Edwin Bryant writes that most academics would consider him a ‘crackpot’.— The Quest for the Origins of Vedic Culture: The Indo-Aryan Migration Debate, Edwin Bryant, Oxford University Press (2001), p. 4.

In which university of the world is his work recognized ??

While Oak’s theories have been summarily rejected in academia, they have found a popular following among Indocentrists and some members of India’s Hindu right. Art historian Rebecca Brown describes Oak’s books as “revisionist history as subtle as Captain Russell’s smirk” (referring to a character in the Hindi movie Lagaan).

The self claimed Historian further states that;


Glancing through some research material recently, I was pleasantly surprised to come across a reference to a king Vikramaditya inscription found in the Kaaba in Mecca proving beyond doubt that the Arabian Peninsula formed a part of his Indian Empire.


Which research material and where is it ? Where is the referance ? Where are the proofs ? Mr Oak the self styled historian found something of which 1.5 billion Muslims are unaware of, and neither any Muslim Historian nor a Non-Muslim historian has ever known. Now based on this hearsy Mr Oak concludes without DOUBT that Arabian penensula formed a part of Indian empire! I leave it to the students and fans of Mr Oak to complete the task that their Master could not do in his lifetime and enlighten your fellow Muslims and the whole world, by providing proofs and referances to your claims.


The self claimed Historian further states that;


The text of the crucial Vikramaditya inscription, found inscribed on a gold dish hung inside the Kaaba shrine in Mecca, is found recorded on page 315 of a volume known as ‘Sayar-ul-Okul’ treasured in the Makhtab-e-Sultania library in Istanbul, Turkey.


Having seen the far reaching and history shaking implications of the Arabic inscription concerning king Vikrama, we shall now piece together the story of its find. How it came to be recorded and hung in the Kaaba in Mecca. What are the other proofs reinforcing the belief that Arabs were once followers of the Indian Vedic way of life and that tranquillity and education were ushered into Arabia by king Vikramaditya’s scholars, educationists from an uneasy period of “ignorance and turmoil” mentioned in the inscription.
In Istanbul, Turkey, there is a famous library called Makhatab-e-Sultania, which is reputed to have the largest collection of ancient West Asian literature. In the Arabic section of that library is an anthology of ancient Arabic poetry. That anthology was compiled from an earlier work in A.D. 1742 under the orders of the Turkish ruler Sultan Salim.

The pages of that volume are of Hareer – a kind of silk used for writing on. Each page has a decorative gilded border. That anthology is known as Sayar-ul-Okul. It is divided into three parts. The first part contains biographic details and the poetic compositions of pre-Islamic Arabian poets. The second part embodies accounts and verses of poets of the period beginning just after prophet Mohammad’s times, up to the end of the Banee-Um-Mayya dynasty. The third part deals with later poets up to the end of Khalif Harun-al-Rashid’s times.

Abu Amir Asamai, an Arabian bard who was the poet Laureate of Harun-al-Rashid’s court, has compiled and edited the anthology.

The first modern edition of ‘Sayar-ul-Okul’ was printed and published in Berlin in 1864. A subsequent edition is the one published in Beirut in 1932.

The collection is regarded as the most important and authoritative anthology of ancient Arabic poetry. It throws considerable light on the social life, customs, manners and entertainment modes of ancient Arabia. The book also contains an elaborate description of the ancient shrine of Mecca, the town and the annual fair known as OKAJ which used to be held every year around the Kaaba temple in Mecca. This should convince readers that the annual haj of the Muslims to the Kaaba is of earlier pre-Islamic congregation.

This is the most important part of Mr P N Oak’s 12 page document, which the whole argument of his article is based upon. If it is proved that his claims are hollow and does not hold any ground then it will be worthless to debate on the other aspects of his document.


Q: Now is there any golden dish hung in the present day Kaaba ?


A: No! 


Q: What is the Proof ?




Q: Was any golden dish hung during Pre-Islamic Arabia in Kaaba ?


A: There were seven of these celebrated poems, each by a different poet. Unfortunately the seven poems are no longer preserved in the Kaaba—if, indeed, they ever did literally “hang” there—and the Arabs themselves are not entirely agreed as to either the names or the poems of these, their earliest writers. But the most noted among them are fully agreed on and highly treasured. Among them all, the poet probably earliest in date is Imru-ul-Quais, often spelled in our letters, which differ widely from Arabic forms, Amrulkais.


A poet among the seven who is even more noteworthy is Antar, or Antarah; for he was afterward made the hero of the most celebrated of Arab romances.


 If we pause for yet another of the “hanged” poets, it must be for Zuhair, who is credited with beginning the philosophical and religious writings of his nation. Zuhair in his verses was less satiric than most of his brother poets.


Q: What is the Proof ?




Q: Is there any famous library In Istanbul, Turkey, called Makhatab-e-Sultania ?


A: No!


It’s not a LIBRARY, it’s a HIGH SCHOOL !!!! Mr Oak does not know the difference between a LIBRARY and a SCHOOL. What a shame!


Q: What is the Proof ?


A: Galatasaray High School ( Ottoman Turkish : مکتب
Mekteb-i Sultani;
French : Lycée de Galatasaray),
, Galatasaray, Beyoglu ‘one in the high schools .


Mektebi Sultaniye or Mektebi Sultani (Or Makhthab-e Sultania) is the nick name of Galatasaray Lisesi and the address and phone and fax numbers of Galatasaray Lisesi is as follows.

Galatasaray Lisesi, Kuloglu Mahallesi İstiklâl Cad. No: 159, 34430 Beyoğlu – İSTANBUL
Phone: +(0212) 249 11 00 Fax : + (0212) 252 17 52


There is a small library in Galatasaray Lisesi University, but it does not contain any manuscripts, but modern literature.


Here is it’s website:


Here is a list of E-mail addresses of Galatasaray Lisesi University Library staff for further details, you can contact them.


Here is an alphabetical list of well-known and rich libraries in Istanbul


Neither “Makhthab-e Sultania” nor “Galatasaray Lisesi” is a name of liberary in the whole of Istanbul!


Q: What is the Proof ?




Therefore no such thing as ‘Sayar-ul-Okul’ exists in the world except in secret swiss Vault of Mr P N Oak!


Q: What is the Proof ?


A: Because there is no proof of ancient Arabic poetry compiled from an earlier work in A.D. 1742 under the orders of the Turkish ruler Sultan Salim. It never happened!

P N Oak alleges that his fictional book Sayar-ul-Okul is divided into three parts.

The first part contains biographic details and the poetic compositions of pre-Islamic Arabian poets. 

The second part embodies accounts and verses of poets of the period beginning just after prophet Mohammad’s times, up to the end of the Banee-Um-Mayya dynasty. 

The third part deals with later poets up to the end of Khalif Harun-al-Rashid’s times.

Though we don’t have the fictional book “Sayar-ul-Okul” present with us till date (Because it never existed). Yet we have numerous historical books written by professional western historians that deal will all the THREE parts mentioned by Mr P N Oak.

Arabian Poetry by W.A. Clouston [1881]

This should be enough to refute the baseless and shameless allegations of Mr P N Oak!

Oak further states that “Abu Amir Asamai, an Arabian bard who was the poet Laureate of Harun-al-Rashid’s court, has compiled and edited the anthology”.

There was no poet by the name of “Abu Amir Asamai” to ever have existed in Harun-al-Rashid’s court. Infact there was no person by the name “Abu Amir Asamai” to have existed in any span of time in the history of the world!

Instead Abu-Nuwas al-Hasan ben Hani Al-Hakami (756–814),a known as Abū-Nuwās (Abu Novas), was one of the greatest of classical Arabic poets in Harun-al-Rashid’s court. And he never compiled or edited the anthology named

No first or last edition of ‘Sayar-ul-Okul’ was ever printed and published in leave alone Berlin in 1864 but in any part of the world. A subsequent edition is the one being published in Beirut in 1932 is another LIE. How can anyone publish a book that does not exist ? Use some common sense folks!

Mr P N Oak further writes that, “The collection is regarded as the most important and authoritative anthology of ancient Arabic poetry”. 

How can a book of fiction that does not exist be regarded as the most important and authoritative anthology of ancient Arabic poetry”?

Mr P N Oak further writes that, “It throws considerable light on the social life, customs, manners and entertainment modes of ancient Arabia. The book also contains an elaborate description of the ancient shrine of Mecca, the town and the annual fair known as OKAJ which used to be held every year around the Kaaba temple in Mecca. This should convince readers that the annual haj of the Muslims to the Kaaba is of earlier pre-Islamic congregation”.

My dear brother most of the historical books on the culture of Pre-Islamic Arabia throws considerable light on the social life, customs, manners and entertainment modes of ancient Arabia. They also contains an elaborate description of the ancient shrine of Mecca, the town and the annual fair which used to be held every year around the Kaaba temple in Mecca.

Here is the book that throws more light on social, religious, customs, manners etc of Pre-Islamic Arabian people. And the most surprising fact is that you will not find words like, vedas, Vikramiditya, Shiva, Shivling, etc etc in the entire book;

Q: What is the Proof ?


A: Here it is

Here are some famous searchengines, I searched them all and could not find ‘Sayar-ul-Okul'{Coz it does not exists};jsessionid=1gegatrc8nwy4.z-wb-live-01


No such thing as ‘Sayar-ul-Okul’ ever existed or exists in this world, nor was there a person named “Abu Amir Asamai” to have compiled it, and neither there is any library by the name ofMakhatab-e-Sultania” in Istanbul Turkey. All these characters are fictionious work of P N Oak. Many Hindus were easily convinced as they are prone to Myths and fables in Hindu scriptures as part of their religion and belief. No wonder you might see HARRY POTTER as the next Avataar in the Hierracy of Hindu gods!

Fanatic and Intolerant Hindus have published various Anti-Islamic articles based on some BS started by a crackpot and American Embassy employee in Indian capital who became a revisionist historian in order to cover up the shame of Indian servitude of over a 1000 years under Muslims. I can tell that is your heartfelt desire but how is it going to pan out?


Yeah Professor P.N. Oak, believes that the whole world has been duped. It is a theory. Maybe a Hypothetical protocontinent with a advanced and ancient Vedic culture that was a global society.


The text of the inscription Oak quotes from is said to be taken from a manuscript he identifies as Sayar-ul-Okul, allegedly an anthology of Arabic poetry kept in the Makhtab-e-Sultania Library in Istanbul, Turkey. Oak claims the anthology was compiled in 1742 on the orders of a “Sultan Salim” (the actual

Sultan at the time being Mahmud I), and alleges it was first edited in 1864 in Berlin. The Sayar ul-Okul has since been propagated by fringe Vedic mystics


I am looking at the Rand McNally’s Atlas of the world history, what I don’t see is the parts Makkah & Medina have ever been under any of the super powers of old who were the biggies like of Persians and Alexandrians except of course the Muslims’ own Umayyad, Abbasid’s and Ottomans. Don’t believe go buy one or go to your local library if you have one!!!


That knucklehead happens put forward a hypothesis that TAJ MAHAL was a shrine of Hindu deities too. Who will buy that in today’s world? Yes if the Hindus are so jealous of Mumtaz Mahal/ Shah Jahan’s jewel of a mausoleum where many heads of states have gone to be a witness of the historical monument.

They can destroy it just like they did the Babri Mosque cuz they have the majority and the power but that is about it.


Fat chance for rewrite of the history!


Forget Professor P.N. Oak, and theories


Why not trying to find some articles about the KING Vikramaditya ?


I’m not a historian


If the Moguls were like the Catholic inquisitors and had eliminated all the Hindus in India but being Muslims it couldn’t be!


Your own credibility has been shot to hell with your reference to Oak’s crap.


He says that Christianity began as a form of devotion to Krishna.


Krishna is just the hero of the 18th chapter of the novel or epic Mahabharata, the Bhagavad-Gita, who never existed as a person.


He is the result of divinization of a novel hero, like the Greek or Roman gods. It is like making a god out of Hamlet or Sherlock Holmes who never existed, only in the mind of the writer, of Shakespeare and Sir Arthur Conon Doyle.


There are many wonderful novels and epics with great moral and social teachings, but you can’t make each Heroes of a Novel to be God. In this logic you can take little Hobbit Frodo from Tolkien’s “Lord of The Rings” as God.


Most Hindu gods do not exist as a person and they never existed, they are the result of divinization of novels or epics heroes, like the Greek or Roman gods… or like the many false gods of ANIMISM .


SatyamewaJayathe { Truth Alone Trumphs}

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