
Weird Drinks of Hinduism


Vedas suggests liquids like urine and semen to be sacred. There are many kind of Sacrifices in Vedas for different purposes. One of the sacrifices mentioned in Rig Veda is about using Horse’s semen as Soma Ras. Not to confuse this Soma as the moon god. Soma Ras appears in Vedas as an elixir. Which was the most favourite drink of god, more like their energy drink. However Soma Ras has now become extinct. It is said that it was made from some herbs. But Horse’s semen is used as Soma Ras as mentioned in Rig Veda,

Rig Veda 1.164.35…The Stallion’s seed prolific is the Soma; this Brahman highest heaven where Speech abideth.

Above is Swami Karpatri’s Hindi translation below one is by Shri Ram Sharma,

The Sanskrit words mentioned here are Ashvasya (Ashva) which means horse and Reto which means semen. In this sacrifice the semen of the horse was used as the Soma juice. Krishna Yajur Veda and Shatpatha Brahmana also mentions about Soma being semen but they doesn’t hint that it has allegorical meaning.

Satapatha Brahmana Having thrown the (earth of the) foot-print (into the pan), he (the Adhvaryu) washes his hands. Now as to why he washes his hands;–clarified butter being a thunderbolt, and the Soma being seed, he washes his hands lest he should injure the seed, Soma, with the thunderbolt, the ghee

Krishna Yajur Veda 7.4.18.F …They call Soma the seed of the strong horse. (They call) the Brahman the highest realm of speech.

Soma Ras as semen also appears in the Puranas,
Srimad Bhagavatam 3.13.38 ”O Lord, Your semen is the sacrifice called soma-yajna…” Tr. Swami Prabhupada

Brahma Purana 7.1-3 ”O Brahmins, the father of Soma, the saintly lord of Atri was the mind-born son of Brahma who was desirious of creating subjects. Formerly, Atri performed a great penance for three thousand divine years. So we have heard. His semen attaining the state of Soma juice rose up.” Tr. J.L. Shastri

Hinduism also consider the urine of Rudra as potent remedy,
Atharva Veda 6.44.3 Thou art the urine of Rudra, the navel of amrita (ambrosia). Thy name, forsooth, is vishânakâ, (thou art) arisen from the foundation of the Fathers, a remover of diseases produced by the winds (of the body).

The Sanskrit words used here are ”Rudrasya Mutramasyamritasya naabhi” the word Mutr has only one meaning and that is Urine. Here the urine of Rudra is considered the Amrit (elixir), Rudra’s urine is not available today so this verse is of no use which is contrary to the belief of Vedic followers so this verse implies that Vedic followers should drink their own urine.

The Sushruta Samhita is an ancient Sanskrit text that constitutes one of the foundational works of Ayurveda. Sushruta Samhita recommends urine of Goat, Sheep, Horse, Elephant, Donkey, Camel and Human as medicine for many diseases.

Sushruta Samhita chapter 45, verses 220-28 “The urine of a cow is pungent, strong and hot, and does not generate Vayu on account of its being saturated with alkali. It is light, stomachic, slightly generates the Pitta, and subdues the Vayu and Kapha. It proves beneficial in cases of colic, abdominal glands, ascites and distention of the abdomen, and is used for the purposes of purging and enematas (Asthapana). In cases, which prove amenable to the use of urine, the urine of a cow should be used to the exclusion of that of any other animal, even to that of an ox. The urine of a (she) buffalo proves beneficial in piles, abdominal dropsy, colic, cutaneous affections, Meha, imperfect action of emetics or purgatives, constipation, edema, abdominal glands, and jaundice. The urine of a (she) goat has a pungent, bitter taste. It sligthly agitates the bodily Vayu and proves curative in cases of cough, dyspnea, consumption, jaundice and chlorosis. The urine of a ewe contains alkali, and has a bitter pungent taste. It subdues the deranged Vayu, and is heat-making in its potency. It proves beneficial in cough, enlarged spleen, abdominal dropsy, dyspnea, consumption and in obstinate constipation of the bowels. The urine of a horse is appetising and pungent in taste, strong and heat-making in its potency. It subdues the deranged Vayu and Kapha, and cures mental aberrations. It is usually recommended in cases of ringworm and worms in the intestines. The urine of an elephant has a bitter and saline taste. It is keen and purgative, and subdues the Vayu and enrages the Pitta. It is commonly used in the treatment of (Kilasa) leucoderma and in the preparation of alkalies. The urine of an ass tends to neutralise the effects of poison generated through the chemical action of two different substances in the organism. It is strong and proves curative in cases of chronic dysentery. It is a vermifuge and subdues the Vayu and Kapha, and is appetising. The urine of a camel proves beneficial in cases of edema, leprosy, abdominal dropsy, insanity, worms in the intestines, piles and in diseases due to the action of the deranged Vayu. Human urine is strong anti-toxic. I have now briefly described the properties of all kinds of liquid food or drink. An experienced physician should prescribe them for the use of his king according to the nature of season and the country in which they are to be applied.” Tr. Kaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna

Following is the Hindi translation by Bhaskar Govind Ghanekar,

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